Published January 23, 2025
About This Audit
The compliance audit of the Harmony Township Non-Uniformed Union Pension Plan was conducted under the authority of the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act. The audit aimed to ensure the pension plan complied with state laws, regulations, contracts, and local ordinances from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2023. The audit verified the proper determination and deposition of state aid and employer contributions according to stipulated requirements, calculated employer contributions, and confirmed compliance with the Act 205 requirements for actuarial valuation reporting. No employee contributions or benefit calculations were required for 2023. The audit confirmed the plan was administered in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. The Harmony Township plan is part of the Western Pennsylvania Teamsters and Employers Pension Plan, a multi-employer union pension plan regulated by the Federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Township officials cooperated fully during the audit process.