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PA Department of the Auditor General

Published February 18, 2025

About This Audit

A compliance audit was conducted on the Edwardsville Borough Police Pension Plan in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, under the authority of the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act (Act 205 of 1984). The audit aimed to ensure the pension plan’s administration complied with relevant state laws, regulations, contracts, and policies during 2023. Key audit findings pointed out that amendments within the police pension plan were improperly made by resolution instead of an ordinance, potentially affecting benefit calculations and payments. Consequently, the township executed Ordinance No. 4 of 2024 to rectify the issue. The audit confirmed that annual state aid, employer, and employee contributions were properly calculated and deposited according to applicable regulations. Although supplementary financial data was unaudited, borough officials were acknowledged for their cooperation. Compliance and rectification of the ordinance amendment issue will be reassessed in the next audit cycle. Overall, the plan is managed in compliance, except for the noted ordinance amendment issue.

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Pennsylvania Department
of the Auditor General