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PA Department of the Auditor General

Published February 4, 2025

About This Audit

This report presents the findings of a Limited Procedures Engagement (LPE) conducted for the Mahoning Township Volunteer Firemen’s Relief Association in Montour County, Pennsylvania. The engagement, covering January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023, assessed whether the relief association’s funds were expended for authorized purposes and if state aid was correctly received and deposited according to the VFRA Act and Act 205 of 1984. Key procedures included reviewing financial transactions, accounting records, and state aid forms, and interviewing association officials. Total expenditures during this period amounted to $294,601. The report found no indications of unauthorized fund use or mismanagement. Relief association officers are responsible for maintaining effective internal controls and complying with relevant laws and procedures. The report concludes that the association managed its financial obligations appropriately, and it thanks the officials for their cooperation. Future audits may still be conducted to ensure continued compliance.

Pennsylvania Department
of the Auditor General