Published February 10, 2025
About This Audit
The Independent Auditor’s Report for the Township of Washington, Snyder County, Pennsylvania, examined the Forms MS-965 With Adjustments for the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund over the period from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023. The township management is responsible for presenting the forms, while the auditors express an opinion based on their examination. Conducted according to attestation standards and Government Auditing Standards, the examination involved obtaining evidence to support the accuracy of the forms in presenting the township’s liquid fuels tax fund usage according to the required criteria. The report confirmed compliance with Pennsylvania’s Department of Transportation guidelines with no deficiencies or issues in internal control or compliance detected. The purpose of the report is to assure the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund’s management and expenditure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Timothy L. DeFoor, Auditor General, conveyed no material weaknesses or noncompliance in the report’s findings.